Thursday, April 14, 2011

What causes dipression | how to recover it ?

What causes dipression | how to recover it ? Everyone feels "blue" or "down" some of the time. Major depressive disorder (depression) is more than just feeling down. It is when a person is in a continued state of sadness, melancholy or despair to such a point that it is disruptive to how they function. It can severely disrupt your life. It can affect your appetite, sleep, work, and relationships.

What does depression feel like?

Depression has many different symptoms. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of the following:
woman looking sad and depressed

    * Constant feelings of sadness, irritability, or tension
    * Less interest or pleasure in activities or hobbies
    * Feeling hopeless, worthless, or guilty
    * Trouble concentrating or making decisions
    * Low energy or feeling tired, even when you are not active
    * Feeling restless or slowed down
    * Sleeping too much or too little
    * Changes in appetite (with weight gain or loss)
    * Thoughts of suicide or death

What causes depression?

Depression may result from many things. Whatever the cause, depression is not just a state of mind. It may be due to changes in the way brain chemicals* work together.

Normally brain chemicals carry messages from one brain cell to the next. An imbalance of brain chemicals can change the way brain cells communicate. This can change a person's mood.

Other Types of Depression

Besides major depression, some other types are:

    * Dysthymia means you have many depression symptoms, but they are less severe, although they have been present on most days for at least two years.
    * Seasonal affective disorder has the same symptoms as major depression. But the symptoms return during certain seasons. Fall and winter are the most common times.
    * Postpartum depression has the same symptoms as major depression. But the symptoms occur after giving birth. It is most common in the first months after having a baby.

*These brain chemicals include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

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